- Element A - Causes/Sources of Pollution
The following questions need to be thoroughly addressed to
satisfy this element:
- Are sources of pollution identified, mapped and described? Are
causes identified?
- Are loads from identified sources quantified?
- Are there any sub-watershed areas? If so, are the sources
broken down to the sub-watershed level?
- Are data sources, estimates and assumptions sufficient, cited
and verifiable?
- Are existing data gaps identified? Is there a plan to address
data gaps? Are data gaps significant enough to delay
- Element B - Expected Load Reductions for Solutions
The following questions need to be thoroughly addressed to
satisfy this element:
- Are expected load reductions analyzed to ensure water quality
standards and/or other goals will be achieved?
- Are expected load reductions linked to a pollution cause/source
identified in Element A?
- Is the complexity of modeling used appropriate for the
watershed characteristics, the scale and complexity of the
impairment, and the extent of water quality data identified in
Element A?
- Is the basis of the load reduction effectiveness estimate(s)
thoroughly explained?
- Are estimates, assumptions, and other data used in the analysis
cited and verifiable?
- Element C - Nonpoint Source Management Measures
The following questions need to be thoroughly addressed to
satisfy this element:
- Does the plan list and describe BMPs that will address the
causes/sources of pollution identified in Element A?
- Are the expected BMPs mapped in the watershed? Have critical
and priority areas been identified?
- Is the rationale given for the selection of BMPs? Are selection
methods documented?
- In selecting and siting the BMPs at the sub-watershed level,
are the estimates, assumptions and other data used in this analysis
technically sound?
- Element D - Technical and Financial Assistance
The following questions need to be thoroughly addressed to
satisfy this element:
- Estimate of Technical Assistance Needed
- Are sources of technical assistance included?
- Does the WPP describe the anticipated involvement of assisting
agencies, watershed groups or volunteers?
- Are additional technical assistance needs identified?
- Estimate of Financial Assistance Needed
- Is a detailed cost estimate included?
- Does the cost estimate include a reasonable estimate of all
planning and implementation costs?
- Are all potential funding sources listed? Is there an estimated
contribution from each source?
- Element E - Education and Outreach
The following questions need to be thoroughly addressed to
satisfy this element:
- Does the WPP identify relevant stakeholders?
- Does the WPP educate the public? Are there mechanisms to keep
the public informed as the WPP is implemented?
- Does the WPP include methods to engage stakeholders and
landowners in continued participation and implementation?
- Was there active and diverse public participation in the
development of the plan?
- Do the education components emphasize the need to achieve water
quality standards?
- Does the education process prepare stakeholders for continued
proper operation and maintenance of BMPs after project(s) is
- Element F - Implementation Schedule
The following questions need to be thoroughly addressed to
satisfy this element:
- Does the schedule/timeline present projected dates for the
development and implementation of the actions needed to meet the
goals of the WPP?
- Is the schedule appropriate based on the complexity of the
impairment and the size of the watershed?
- Element G - Milestones Identified
The following questions need to be thoroughly addressed to
satisfy this element:
- Are the identified milestones measurable and attainable?
- Does the WPP identify incremental milestones with anticipated
completion dates?
- Does the WPP include progress evaluations and possible "course
corrections" as needed?
- Are the milestones appropriately linked with the proposed
schedule in Element F?
- Element H - Load Reduction Evaluation Criteria
The following questions need to be thoroughly addressed to
satisfy this element:
- Are criteria measureable and quantifiable?
- Do the proposed criteria effectively measure progress towards
the load reduction goal?
- Are the types of data to be collected identified and
appropriate models described?
- Are target achievement dates identified?
- Does the WPP include a review process to determine if
anticipated reductions are being met?
- Does the WPP include criteria to determine the need for
revisions or mid-course corrections if adequate progress is not
made towards the implementation schedule?
- Is there a clear commitment to adaptive management in the
- Element I - Monitoring
The following questions need to be thoroughly addressed to
satisfy this element:
- Explanation of how monitoring fits into Plan
- Does the WPP include a description of how monitoring will be
used to evaluate the effectiveness (in reducing loads to the
waterbody) of the implementation efforts?
- Will the monitoring plan effectively measure the evaluation
criteria identified in Element H?
- Does the WBP include a routine reporting element in which
progress and methodology are presented?
- Monitoring Methods
- Are the parameters appropriate?
- Is the number of sites adequate?
- Is the frequency of sampling adequate?
- Is the monitoring tied to a quality assurance plan?
- Will the monitoring method effectively link the load reduction
from implementation to improvements in the waterbody?