What is a Watershed Protection Plan?
A Watershed Protection Plan (WPP) is a coordinated framework for implementing prioritized and integrated water quality protection and restoration strategies driven by environmental objectives. Through the WPP process, the State of Texas encourages stakeholders to holistically address all of the sources and causes of impairments and threats to both surface and ground water resources within a watershed. Developed and implemented through diverse, well integrated partnerships, a WPP assures the long-term health of the watershed with strategies for protecting unimpaired waters and restoring impaired waters. (Definition courtesy of the Texas State Soil & Water Conservation Board)
- What are the Benefits of a WPP?
Because watersheds are determined by the landscape and not political borders, watersheds often cross municipal, county, and state boundaries. By using a watershed perspective, all potential sources of pollution entering a waterway can be better identified and evaluated. Just as important, all stakeholders in the watershed can be involved in the process.
A watershed stakeholder is anyone who lives, works, or engages in recreation in the watershed. They have a direct interest in the quality of the watershed and will be affected by planned efforts to address water quality issues. Individuals, groups, and organizations within a watershed can become involved as stakeholders in initiatives to protect and improve local water quality.
Stakeholder involvement is critical for selecting, designing, and implementing management measures to successfully improve water quality.
To support the need for stakeholder involvement, the Texas Watershed Steward program was developed to provide science-based, watershed education to help citizens identify and take action to address local water quality impairments.
Texas Watershed Stewards learn about the nature and function of watersheds, potential impairments, and strategies for watershed protection.
For more information or upcoming workshops visit tws.tamu.edu
- EPA's 9 Key Elements for a potentially successful WPP
What is EPA looking for in a Watershed Protection Plan?
- Designed to restore water quality from nonpoint source impairments
- Utilizes stakeholder process to engage all that are affected by the impairments
- Clearly articulates the problems and describes what needs to be done to achieve water quality standards
Click here for the 9 key elements...
U.S. EPA Region 6 Review Guide For Watershed-Based Plans
- How Do You Develop a WPP?
- Build Partnerships
- Characterize the Watershed
- Finalize Goals & Identify Solutions
- Design an Implementation Program
- Implement Watershed Plan
- Measure Progress & Make Adjustments
Click here for more on developing watershed protection plans...
Download a fact sheet about the program
Contact Us
Lucas Gregory
Research Scientist and Quality Assurance Officer, TWRI
Phone: (979) 845-7869
Email: lfgregory@ag.tamu.edu
Nikki Dictson
Extension Program Specialist III
Phone: (979) 575-4424
Email: N-dictson@tamu.edu
Nathan Glavy
Extension Program Specialist I, TWRI
Phone: (979) 458-5915
Email: nathan.glavy@ag.tamu.edu